It's Official

Rue talked to Andy and Lizzie and they gave their permission for me to begin writing and documenting activity on Cedarmore Farm! I am beyond excited! I'm too excited to sleep tonight so I guess I will just be working on the new blog all night long. Good thing there is no school on Monday, it will take me all of Monday to catch up on my sleep. I am so looking forward to meeting Rue and Susan (they will be the go between)and getting to know Andy, Lizzie and the kids. Not to mention all the great organic vegetables, baked goods, canned vegetables and fruits, maple syrup and eggs that we will be eating over the next year.

When the new blog is up I'll put a link to the side so you can get to it quickly. Wish me luck!


Jan said…
Jan, I am so excited for you. What a great project you've undertaken.

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