What A Morning!

Emmy and Erika brought the kids over for a play date. SIX ranging for 9 months to 2 1/2 years. Talk about a wild morning. I wanted to badly to get a shot of all of them together but no way...so I just captured smiles individually.Goober #1 loved playing with the 'big Lego's'.

Goober #2 found all the trucks and was in heaven.

Goober #3 was happy to find babies and little ones her size.

Doodles just thought the whole morning was a blast.

Allyson was excited that we got out the trains and that we made the sensory table into a boat.

Sharing went well. Potty trips proved to be productive. Ella had a good lunch of peas and cheese from Emmy and Erika's bag. All the chair were filled, the booster seats occupied, the highchair overflowing with giggles and smiles. And since Carter shared his high chair he got to sit in the stroller. Grilled cheese, peas and milk was on the menu for the guests and the rest of us had lunched our Mommy's sent. Nap time went well, everyone sleeping for two+ hours. We love it when we have friends over. (You might be wondering where Carter's picture is...he was napping when they came and then I didn't have enough hands when he woke up.)


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