Somebody's Turning Two

Today Doodles celebrated her birthday...just a little early. I got a new easel...and there are so many more uses for it besides painting and drawing.

We got to visit with people we haven't seen for years. Got to meet wives we never knew. And I got to play with a whole new set of kids!

I think she could be part Ellis...we have several shots of our kids with undies on their heads.

Two big candles to blow out.

Mickey helped us with the singing and Kelli helped with the blowing out the candles.

And of course, Doodles helped with the eating.

I love it that she loved her new Christmas book. We had a great time. Michel meet his match on the Wii. And we came home with more funny Doodles stories.


The Oakes said…
didn't you take picture of all of the b-day party attenders? I want to see everyone! Doodles, cute dress!! Happy Birthday!

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