Snow Day #2....4.5inches

If you know me you know that I love everything about the snow! And what is better that a good Snow Day, (well maybe chocolate)but we manage to combine the two around here quite well. We have been hearing that a storm was coming. Predictions for 2-4 inches to 3-5 inches. When I the weatherman predict snow I am up all night looking out the windows for it. I last looked out around midnight then fell fast asleep from exhaustion. At 4:30AM my phone rang...School Closed. I jumped up out of bed to find everything covered in white! Then I snuggled back down as far as I could go in the quilts and dreamed of lots of hot chocolate. When I finally rolled out from underneath the quilts I headed for the basket with the gloves, mittens, scarves and hats.
I gassed up the snow blower and headed for the driveway...well our driveway, Mr Renee's and Bill and Kay's driveways to be exact. I love my snow blower!

Mark came out with the shovel and helped kinda straighten and tidy everything up. Then I had to let Red out. He wasn't too excited to have me in his house. I had to get Ella to help get him outside. Once they were outside, they went nuts...running and barking...tearing up the good snow.

Black-eyed Susan seed heads for the birds in winter.

The sedum can barely hold the weight of the snow.

Our bottomless bottle tree. I have a 'supplier' in Milford but haven't had time to get the rest of the bottles on. Now to figure out how to get white lights in the mix.

The clothesline posts never looked so good. God decided to decorate my yard for me while I was sleeping.

And the best part of the day so far...being tucked in under a quilt and watching Polar Express with Mark and chocolate of course.

I have decided that I won't be able to remember all the funny and cute things the little ones and Michael say so if something is said during the day I am going to add it to the end of the post that day. I still have to come up with a cute title for this part of the blog...

So here is the first one...last night while I was tucking Michael in he told me that he was not going to make an ornament for me at school. I told hm that it would make me sad if he didn't. I reminded him of all the ornaments that were on the tree that he and the other kids had they made me smile with I hung them up each year. Then I asked why he wasn't going to make me one...'it's just not good enough for you Mom.'


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