Not My Calling

First things first....I want to thank all those photographers out there that take the time to take really great photos of little kids. I am telling you right now that they don't get paid near enough. And for the ones that don't have anyone assisting them...I will pay you triple your salary. I wanted so bad to get a good picture of the three yahoos to put on an ornament for the tree. This is the best that I could get. Maybe I will try again with the help of Pappy.
Such sweet angelic faces.
Doodles insisted that Kelli have her picture taken in the pj's that belong to her. Thank heavens I was able to talk her out of the bottoms.
This is Allyson's 'say cheese' face. Carter looks like he needs a nap Poor little fellow! But what a good big sister to hold him so carefully.
I think Allyson might be part Hillbilly from WV...the child loves to take off her shoes and socks.
And this is one happy little boy. He LOVES the tree...maybe a little too much.


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