Humbling Afternoon

Today Michael and I joined other scouts and their parents in the distribution of 'Christmas' to about 200 families in our area. I took my camera along but then decided that I really didn't need it. Because you can't capture the feeling you have inside with the lens of a camera.

I explained to Michael again why it was so important that we helping these families. I think he got it. But something he said touched me so deeply...even before we got out of the car I had to suck it up and straighten myself up. I explained that there are families that are having a tough time being able to pay their bills, buy food, and maybe even buy clothes to keep them warm this winter. They are just having a tough time. Kinda like when your Dad loses his job and you have to be really careful about the things that you spend you money on. He said, Mom, Dad did that, did we do that? I said ya, sorta...but we were lucky that Dad was able to find a new job pretty fast. I didn't know that he said in a quiet, thinking kind of voice. Then he got quiet for a minute. And then he told me that he was going to do a really good job. I had to get straightened up again.

Not only did we load cars with food and gifts and even wished the families a Merry Christmas...we were able to listen to them for a few minutes. I heard story after story. Moms trying to explain why they were at the place in life that they were. Sorta like they felt like I needed to know. In my mind I kept saying, I know how you feel, I've been there a few times. I know how humbling it is. I know that you are doing the best that you can. I know. I know. One Mom told me that her daughter's Girl Scout gathered up canned foods that were donated to fill up the boxes that she was receiving. She is in nursing school and will graduate in the spring. She plans to Pay It Forward next year. Another Mom was trying to get together a Christmas for 8 children. Two boxes of canned goods and two garbage bags of wrapped packages and one little ham sure will have to be stretched. I pray that God sees that she is feeding the 5000 and will multiply it for her. One Mom could hardly look at me. I just had to give her a hug and wish her a Merry Christmas. And had to get straightened up yet again. I saw a Mom trying so hard to keep it together. She didn't want to be there. She didn't want to talk to anyone. She barley spoke to the ladies dealing with the paperwork. You could tell by the look on her face and her posture that she wished she could crawl under the rug. Yet she was there standing with others because her family needed her to be. I gave her the biggest, warmest smile I could muster. Then I had to turn away.

It really hurts me when I know that families are struggling. I guess it is because I know. That is when I want to take them all in and make it better. Someone once told me that I couldn't save all the kids in the world. No, but I am capable of helping them one at a time. I am not like this just at Christmas time. Ask my family, I'm like this all year round.

So I guess what I am saying is...if you have the opportunity to help someone, take the time to do it. There are lots of opportunities. Check out what is available in your community and make a difference in someone's life...not just at Thanksgiving and Christmas...all year round!


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