Home For Christmas

One of my favorite smells and tastes of Christmas is a pineapple upside cake...there is always at least two waiting for me at the little house on Lower Terrace. It is made with love in a little cast iron skillet. And it is always delicious.

Mamaw and Papaw's tree has a merry band of angels that Trevor always manages to hang in a group at the front of the tree.

There are lots of pink and purple...or as Mamaw would say, mauve and lavender ornaments.

But I will have to say that this year the main attraction was this little guy. He entertained us all night long. He sang, laughed and squealed at the dogs all night long. Great Uncle Mark gets his two cents in before the rest of us girls got our turn to love on him.

Great Aunt Jan snagged him next.

Tristan knows no strangers. He loved us all!

Hugs for me and hugs for Tristan. I think we might have exchanged more than that in the long run. I told him stories about his Daddy who is in Kuwait for awhile.

I think he thought some of the stories were funny but the dogs seemed to really tickle him to death.

He loves is Great Grandmother for sure. She sings to him and he knows all the songs.

Papaw acting like he got to open the first gift of Christmas this year. He got one of those "electric blankets that old people use."

Michael checking out yet another Star Wars vehicle. I don't know how he keeps them all straight. And wonder of all wonders...no duplicates!

Mark got a new hat. I think he was trying to act cool or something in this shot.

My dad AKA Peep came down for dinner and gift openings. We had to fill him in on the proper procedure of opening gifts at Mamaw's house...one at a time and trash in the trash bag. Not like when we were growing up or our kids were growing up...total chaos with paper and boxes flying all over the place.
I'm not sure how thrilled Papaw is with his new digital camera. I promised him it would be really easy. I don't think he is sold on the idea yet.

Cousin Sarah helping Tristan open his gifts.

Oh My!!!! Michael got Old Faithful for the first time this year. There is a rich history behind Old Faithful. Emmy is the best one to tell about that history but she isn't here so I will give it a try. Old Faithful is more than 30 years old. The same paper has been on the lid of the box for 30 years. Last year we averted a tragedy. I can't remember who had a turn but they were not clues n on the significance of the box. Each Christmas Mamaw decided who should receive their small gift in Old Faithful. Usually it goes by age of the grand kids. But some years the schedule is interrupted by marriages, graduations, birthdays....and that person gets put back in the rotation, hopefully for the next year. Well....Emmy has gotten the shaft for a few years now....Katelyn's graduation, Katelyn's marriage, Alex's graduation, Tyler and Sabrina's marriage, Bryce's engagement...not to mention all the great grand children that have been born into the family. Emmy informed us at dinner that she and her grandparents (when she was there a few weeks ago helping them do their Christmas shopping) had come up with a new schedule for Old Faithful from here on out. All I understand now is that she is going to disown the family if she doesn't start getting Old Faithful...she needs to make up for all the years that she got pushed aside.
This was Michael's year to receive Old Faithful. We all had reminded his several time about how fragile the box is and how you are just to very carefully lift the lid off the box...there is to be no ripping of paper or crushing of the bow. We had finished all the gift opening and were just sitting around talking when Michael made his way over to Mark and asked him, 'Dad where is Old Reliable ?' He was concerned that maybe we all had forgotten about it. We explained that Mamaw and Papaw like to put the box away until everyone finishes opening their gifts so it won't get torn up by mistake. And low and behold...Michael opened more Star Wars figures! And the box survived for yet another year.
Michael opening his envelop from Peep. He has to save half of it and he can spend the other half on something he wants. Oh the list keeps growing. And he keeps changing his mind.

We went to the basement to check out the Cub Scout knife (that was Mark's years ago) that my Dad is cleaning up for Michael to use in scouting. Looks like my Dad is ready for the beach already!

This is the main cook and bottle washer. I think this year might have been his grand finale. He always cooks the dinner and we bring something and Lisa filled in the rest of the gaps. Everything is always delicious. There is always lots of left overs. And there are mountains of dishes. He is the king of the kitchen for sure!

Then the queen comes in the next day to put the finishing touches on the ham salad. You must understand that this is famous ham salad. People from all over want a Mayo jar full with this ham salad. Michael loves it! But again...the reins have shifted. I got a cooking lesson this year and I am in charge next year of making the 'heirloom' ham salad.

So Cassie, this picture is for you. Fresh Heiner's bread with homemade ham salad with just a touch of Mayo...can't beat it!
We even got to go to lunch with my sister and Molly. Didn't have the camera with me to get any shots. Now we are home safe and sound. I have a terrible cold and I think I will just stay in bed all day.


Sabrina said…
My Angel is a star! Hehehe

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