Gingerbread Wars

About this time every year Michael and I construct a gingerbread house. Don't get too excited it isn't like I bake the parts and we put them together. WE find a kit, usually at WalMart or Target and go from there. This year we had a little competition. Emmy and Erika decided that they wanted to make one too. So The WAR was on. There was a little trash talk. A little more of ' follow the instructions, I told you so, you aren't doing it right....'.

We found our awesome kit at WalMart. It even has a sugar Santa with a sleigh and two reindeer. A step up from last year.

Emmy and Erika started out great guns. Great team work! (There is another blog in the making with these two but I have been sworn to secrecy until the end of the year. There will be no words to describe the post that will follow.)

The best part about gingerbread house can never really use all the candy in the kit so you get to eat what is leftover. Michael decided that after he chewed his gumballs that they might make a really good door. YUCK!

We are proud of our house, even if it has a few construction flaws.

And for rookies Emmy and Erika did a nice job. Better luck next year girls. We already have a strategy planned!

So what it your vote? Who won the Gingerbread house Wars?


Anonymous said…
wow the last one looks amazing!!!!

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