Finally...The REAL Party

There was no buying invitations...not with Michael in the house. He designed and drew his own invitations. I think they turned out really nice. He was so proud and the friends that got them were so impressed that they made him cards too.

He also had designed his own cake but when we got to WalMart and just happened to see this one...we had to have this one...only one tweak...the name in blue. We almost had a catastrophe. We drove to WalMart in a 'snowstorm' to pick up the cake and to pick up some little extra things. Note to self...check the writing on the cake before leaving the store...Happy 6th Birthday Jayden just wasn't going to get it today.

Skyler working really hard on the Star Wars scavenger hunt.

Michael's new friend, Wyatt, working together in the scavenger hunt.

The official lightening of the candles.

Everyone helps blow out the candles.

Can you see the smile of Lynlee's face? She was so excited about her card and her gift. Michael loved the all!

You can never have too many Star Wars things. I am amazed how fast he has fallen in love with everything Star Wars...down to his underwear.

Michael had a little quirk...he doesn't like to look at the gift before it is totally unwrapped. He couldn't find the card so he asked Luke to help. I know it is a little weird...

I told you Star Wars ROCKS!!!

We plan on using this cool bag again this Christmas for some more Star Wars stuff...just don't tell Michael.

The last gift...all good things must come to an end. Skyler also drew a special card. Michael want to hang them all on his wall.

Since there were so many boxes to open and so many thing to put together...everyone had to get in on the fun. We did well until it came time to put the strings on the crossbow....
but Wyatt's Dad came to the rescue.

We had a great week of birthday activities but am I sure glad that tomorrow there will be nothing to do to make anything happen. I am up for a birthday break and Michael is ready for some down time so he can play with all his cool new stuff! Thanks everyone for a great week. Sarah Beth always said, 'let's make some memories.' I think we have definitely done that this week!


Jan said…
What a wonderful party!

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