Festival Of Lights

Michael had never been to the Festival of Lights at the Zoo. This was the year to go. Weather a balmy 28 degrees with no wind. Not too bad.
We were greeted by a giant rhino nutcracker. I thought Michael was going to wet himself...he is into nutcrackers big time! I wish I could have gotten a shot of the other nutcrackers....I was too busy looking down where all the lights were.

Doodles and her parents met us at the front gate. I had their Zoo pass...from when Cassie was here in the summer...oops! Family shot by the big tree.

Emmy zipped right over after work. I didn't get any fashion awards for the lovely attire of the evening...I was going more for warmth.

Most of the animals were asleep or 'put away' for the winter. But the elephant was having a little snack. We even got to touch a tail and a molar while inside The Elephant House.

My favorites...the little goats. I had to take Doodles in with me so people wouldn't think I was totally crazy. Kisses for my favorite little one.

Doodles and I were trying to cook up a little plan as to how to get this little fellow in the van and back to the house. WE weren't too successful. But someday....

Michael loved the lights. Swan Lake featured a Light Show. Really nice! And we got to see the train close-up as it made it's way around the lake. We saw peacocks roosting in the tops of the trees.
We had hot chocolate, gingerbread men cookies and even a little sweet treat Pappy found. I love all the lights and all the faces on the kids as they see the lights. I must still be a kid at heart. We might even go back before the Festival is over just to ride the train...the line was three times as long as it usually is.


Anonymous said…
have fun when you go back to ride the train I did my duty and went the first time so Bryce or Sarah need to step it up and go the second time.

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