In The Air...On His Way

I borrowed the picture from Sabrina's blog and she got it from T-Bird in in the air on his way to Kuwait. You should go visit and read the comments that Tyler made.

Just recieved this email....Well, we landed about twelve hours ago. Honestly, it's not at all what I thought it was going to be. I thought we would get off the plane and immediately start sweating but I guess because it was in the middle of the night we didnt. Right now I am rooming with two other guys that I got to know in WI. They are both real good guys. My first meal was pretty good. The chow hall is kinda big so I didnt really know which way to go. That wont happen again because I missed the line that takes you to steaks. Still no word on our mission. They haven't told us anything really. You will know when I know so don't ask. Hahaha. We hit three continents in less than 24 hours. From WI to Maine, then to Ireland, then right into Kuwait. I bought a Harry Potter book in Ireland. I couldnt help myself. I also got some money while I was there too. Happy face. Alright, I'll be in touch.


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