Fun Friday
I get so upset with some people. What just rubs me the wrong way is when someone is walking their dog and the dog decided to stop and make a deposit in our yard. When we take Ella for a walk we always have a Kroger bag for her deposits. We carry it the entire walk and then throw it away once we get home. Or if it is trash day we dump it in a trash can along the way.So this morning I look out to see what Ella is barking at yet again...I see nothing but I do see this bag on the mailbox post. Well, it doesn't sit well with me. I'm thinking maybe someone was on a walk and picked up after Rover and dropped it off and they will be back for it on the return trip home. I keep my eye on it all morning long. No one returns to reclaim the bag. Now I am really getting hot under the dare they! So when Carter goes down for a nap, the girls and I walk down to get the mail and 'the poop bag'. Boy, was I wrong. A few weeks ago, Mr John set out an old couch and a lady came by and picked up the cushions for her dogs. I kept them for her until she could pick them up. We got to talking and she just loved the girls. She noticed that they both were wearing 'pretties' in their hair. She must have gone home and made some up because this bag was filled. The girls love them. And I feel really bad, jumping to conclusions.
They had to wear all of them all morning long. They thought they were hot stuff for sure!
It was so pretty today we spent the entire day outside. A little chilly this morning but in the 70's this afternoon. A little porch swinging was in order.