Wheat Ridge Herb Fair

I am not sure how many years Herb and Pam have put this festival together...maybe this is the third one. Hundreds of all kinds of vendors plus Herb has all the barn open for you to browse thru. I found a wire egg basket and a metal shaker that I plan to use for lots of fresh squeezed lemonade.

The first thing Luke saw was a white rabbit jumping all over the driveway. Then we turned the corner and peacocks and geese were everywhere. And then where were the chickens he talked to.

This guy was really different. He played these two flute type instruments that were miked. It sound eery but so beautiful.

I wish I knew the name of these pumpkins. To me it looks like they have old peanuts glued to them.

Michel and Luke looked and maybe touched everything they saw. And there was lots of stuff! I was in heaven.

Pumpkins of every shape and size.

I think between Renee and I, we tried every sample there was available. This was so nice...a sugar rub exfoliate. My one hand was so soft and smelled so good.

I try really hard to be respectful of the Amish and their wish not to have their pictures taken. But I couldn't resist this cute little fellow. He was on his way to a helicopter that had just landed.

There were little bits of orange everywhere.

Lunch for me was a fried bologna with mustard. Michael had a turkey burger and fries with a fresh squeezed lemonade. I could have stayed all day!!!!
Thanks for going Ms Renee and Luke...how did John like his rock?


MoeyMichele said…
Wammy! We went to this fair on the Friday. It was so sweet, like a real old-fashioned fair (without all the rides and hokey stuff). Boy, did we ever eat. Lamb burger, buffalo burger, woodfired pizza, caramel apple chips, kettle corn, butter-dipped pretzels, ice cream (the strawberry was divine) and lemonade...it was a really fun day. I wondered if you would be going. I guess you must have gone on the weekend because I am *sure* I would have seen you. :-)

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