Wedding Shots
I think I need to thank Mark Napier for grabbing my camera and taking pictures of our family. I love it that he knows how to use my camera. Thanks a million Uncle Mark!
Hydrangeas on the family pews...nice...they matched the flowers in the arrangements at the Rehearsal Dinner at the Boathouse...and it wasn't even planned.
Tini with her family.
Bryce with his new family. But I guess after 8 years they aren't so new.
Tini with her parents.
The crazy Ellis family.
The Oakes family joined in for our big, all inclusive family shot.
Bryce and Tini with the grandparents...Peep, my Dad and Mamaw and Papaw, Mark's parents.
More of that Ellis family...Katelyn. Alex and Lisa.
Mamaw and Papaw
Mark and his brother Terry
Alaire's princess flowers
My wrist corsage the day after a long night of having fun.
Mark's lapel flower