I really wasn't looking to forward to a night at Spook-A-Ree but I am sure glad we went.
Michael was so excited to finally get to wear his Darth costume. He was obsessed with trains for the longest time...I think we have moved on to bigger and better things like the EMPIRE.
Getting ready always involves taking a picture of everyone involved. We had no idea what to expect.
First order of business...trick or treating.
The obstacle course was a big hit with long lines.
He's up!
And he is on his way over! He was so proud.
Then on to the crooked balance beam...no problems here.
Balancing on the ropes.
The monkey bars....we needed Julie Black to show us how it was done. None of us were very successful.
The balancing post...I am amazed!
His Karate Kid stance.
She is such the big showoff!
The sunset was just beautiful. And you know that it is Michael's favorite time of day.