Sarah Beth's Marker

One day last week Sarah Beth's Dad, Mark, text me a picture of Sarah Beth's grave marker. They are so pround of how well it turned out. I tried to send it via email to my in-laws. The picture was way to small and they were not able to see any of the details. So this weekend when we were home, Michael and I stopped by to get a picture. Michael was so sweet. When we got out of the car he asked what we were doing. I asked him of he remembered coming to the cemetary after the funeral. He did. And then his eyes filled up with tears. When I asked him what was wrong, the only thing he said was, 'I didn't bring her anything.' And you can probably guess what happened next. I love the love and thought that went into this piece of art...that is what it seems to me. Sarah Beth's short life etched into bronze. I can see the love in all the faces. I remember seeing her at the beach reading and playing in the sand with the little ones. I remember hearing her heart as she talked about the love she had for the DayBreak kids and their families. And then there are her brothers. During her fight, I saw them change. I miss her smile and her voice. She was always talking about something. And she always brought me to tears when she sang at church.

She felt our love and we felt hers. And she is truly missed. LOVE YOUR GUTS, Gert!


leigh ann said…
that's my little one (max) with her at the beach there. i miss her so much.
ronda said…
Beautifully done!!!

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