Rehearsal Dinner on The River

The flowers were beautiful. The Secret Garden in Florence made them just the way I had envisioned.

Bryce chose The Boathouse right on the Ohio River in downtown Cincinnati for the Rehearsal Dinner. The place looked great and the night was so clear. Could not have asked for a better place.

My Dad, the proud Pepaw with his sister, Great Aunt Judy. Can you spell T R O U B L E!

My sister, Aunt RaRe (Robin) and Uncle Kenny.

Mark's parents...Mamaw and Papaw.

Uncle Mark, Sarah Ann, Alex, Bryce, Mark's brother, Uncle Terry, Cousin Sarah from CA, Aunt Lisa (she is Uncle Terry's better half, Trevor, and Mamaw's head.

The WV crew..minus a few. Papaw Creasy scratching his head, Aunt Kate, Jeremy and his girlfriend on the rail, Mark Adams with Jason and his fiance.

All bribes accepted. This is what you get when from Bryce and Tini when you do a great job letting your little sister drag you down the isle during practice. Seriously, Ellis did a great job!

Tini and Bryce with Princess Alaire. She was decked out in princess stuff from head to toe and then some!

My cousin Bo introduces us all to his fiance, Jan, and that is my Aunt Dora (my dad's other partner in crime.)
My Aunt Judy makes the coolest plates. She used all kinds of fabrics and puts them on the backs of clear plates. She did some with some black, white and silver but some special ones with the pictures of the dogs on them. This one is of the old girl, Seau.
Peep with Emmy and Sarah Ann.

The food was awesome...can't go wrong with ribs! And the desserts were delicious. Great night, lots of fun and actually stress free. Thanks to all involved in making this a special night for all of us!


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