The Reception

Some took cabs. Others walked the three blocks to The Westin. No matter how everyone was gorgeous! The flowers were specially lit to show up even more beautiful than they were. The music was very special. (more about that later). And the food was delicious!

There were three different table decorations scattered around the room. This one was at our table.

First dance as Mr and Mrs

The 'dreaded' Mother/son dance (more about the song when the honeymooners return from Maui.)

Alaire lovin' on her Uncle Bryce

And she saved some hugs for Tini...notice the lack thereof of shoes.

Now Tini can join the boys in Canada. My Dad has wanted her to come for years. Don't think that is ever going to least not in my lifetime.

Peep and his girls.

Michael and Sarah wearing out the dance floor.
What a charmer he was that night...somehow he even got Kelli out on the dance floor.

Bryce's other family...The Bender's.

Bryce and Tini with the Terry Ellis family.

Bryce and some of his high school and college buddies.

Stevie and Trevor...our other two sons.

Oh, the boys brought their wives..."Jill" and Kelli.


The Oakes said…
poor jill. she will never have a real name again.

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