Perfect Weather

We could not have ordered better weather today...wish we had had this weather last weekend for the wedding. So today Emmy looked up a cool place for us to hike in her 60Miles 60 Hike book. Yellowspring, OH was our destination.

Believe it or not, this is the start of the Little Miami River. We would walk a little, she would read a little. And she calls me a geek!

She promised Michael three things...lunch, a cave and ice cream. And did she delive all three...and then some. We ate our way across the state of OH.

The leaves are just starting to turn so there is still plenty of green with some orange and yellow mixed in. I love the look of fall.

I'm always looking for wildlife and flowers. This trip I tried really hard to not take shots of flowers. And just look at what I found...

and he was swimming toward a little girl playing in the water. We kept a close eye on it for her.

And look more wildlife...a turtle sunning on a log.

This is what I call a happy Wammy. Not too much after this we were jogging on the trail so we could get to the ice cream sooner and Michael took a stumble...well, it was actually a skid...kinds like Pete Rose sliding headfirst into home plate. He is scraped up on both legs and one elbow. Brought me back to the day the earth shook in WI...The Bresson's will understand that one..when Mark fell down the trail. All was not lost we found ice cream and down the road about 30 minutes we found some caramel apples. I'd say that was just the icing on the cake!


Jay said…
Gorgeous place, and I must say that your pictures definitely do it justice. You're better and better every day!

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