A Good Tired

Allyson has almost mastered the art of opening the chalk box.
Just plain chillin' in the stroller.

Peek and Boo or Pee Pie is the Wammy version.

Ahhh, must have finally figured it out!

Need I say more?
Trouble with a capital T but she cracks us up!

I LOVE THIS ONE. Evidence of a great potty training day...Doodles disgusting face.

Does this make you laugh?
I was covered from head to toe with leaves. It was so fun but I will be paying for it for days...acchhhooooo!

She just couldn't stop. And she was giggling from the tips of her toes.

This is the look that Allyson gives Doodles when she knows that there will be some time spent in the Time Out chair.
Mr. Chill...this is the most laid back baby I think I have ever met. I wonder if he will stay the same when he is more mobile?

He had to find just the right spot to chew to make his gums feel good.

Two heads are always better than one. But you better watch out when these two cook something up!

We are using the acorns that keep falling on our heads for everything from counting to long trains.

She loves being a helper.
Today was just a great day to be outside. Hoodie weather with a little light breeze and happy children. Doesn't get much better than that! Well, maybe if I had a little chocolate on the side.....
I'm thinkin' that we all will sleep pretty well tonight.
Disclaimer....I have no idea why some of the words are double underlined. They go to links I did not put in. I will be looking into it so I don't think I would click on them if I were you...who knows where you might end up. Sorry!
And after all this fun...a three hour nap was had...and some down time for Ella and Wammy. I just love long nap days...I get so much done!


The Oakes said…
no underlines when I read. i love the picture of the girls together.

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