Eagle Scout Court of Honor Ceremony

Michael and I made our way down the roads that I think the van can drive itself on. Back to WV so we could witness Blake Creasy become an Eagle Scout. Here we have a new scout in Michael and Luke an 'old scout'.

I love this shot. Blake and other Eagle scouts in the audience were asked to take the pledge or renew their commitment to the principles of being an Eagle Scout. There weren't too many in the room. Maybe three. Impressive.

After a small amount of technical difficulty, Leigh Ann was able to pin on the Eagle metal.

Since parent involvement is so important in scouting, the mother of the Eagle also receives a pin.

And Greg also received a tie tack...AKA a lapel pin.

Blake was given time known as 'Eagle Response' where he thanks everyone for their involvement with him in his scouting experience.

Something that nearly put me under the pew...Blake gave out two mentor pins. The first was to his grandfather. You have to know the story of Max and the clan. He is definitely one of a kind. The sweetest man alive...but he can't hear a lick. The second was to his Scoutmaster.

Two very proud Eagles.

Very proud grandparents.

Very proud family...when I look at this picture I see proudness, if that is a word, and I also see hours of sewing on patches by Leigh Ann.

Congratulations Blake...we are so glad we were able to come.


leigh ann said…
LOVE this jan. thanks SO much for coming to share it with us. and thanks for blogging about blake. so proud of him. =)

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