Candid Wedding Shots

Before you look at this bunch of shots please open the nearest window and turn on the ceiling fan on high. Now turn on the sprinkler. Run up and put on your best clothes and fix you hair just perfect...I guess what I am saying is...this was a real challenge for the photographer.

Bryce and best man Hart

Bryce with Jason...cousin, brother to Jeremy

Bryce with Jeremy...cousin, best friend, partner in crime growing up.

You have already met all the boys except for the two kneeling in front. They are Tini's brothers.

Do we look just a little cold. I think at this point it was starting to sprinkle so we got under the cover of tree branches. I was literally shaking in my shoes.

One big happy family...Trevor and Cassie with Ellis and Alaire. And the happy Ellis family.

You know how much I love to have my picture taken. And then to top it off...put it on the blog. But this is a special, lots of grey and where on earth did all those stinkin' wrinkles come from?

Long story short...our photo session was over and the boys were waiting for the limo to come back to pick them up. We went to this nice building with a porch type thing and took more. Can you tell it is was still miserable?

My GQ himself.

Cassie and Trevor

Bryce with Ellis and Alaire

I promise you that they were wearing something other than necklaces.


Oma (ada - Karen) said…
Thanks for putting the wedding pictures, etc. on your blog!! I'm lovin' them. They are great pictures.

(Hey, you look glowing and beautiful in these pictures!!! Are you kidding me? Your hair looks gorgeous..... and I only see a proud, loving Mom of the groom here!!!)

[Love that the "twins" are both wearing off the shoulder dresses!)

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