Bobcat Ceremony and Flag Retirement

Tonight we traveled to Camp Freelander where Michael became an official Bobcat.

BLUE is from the sky. The paw print of the Bobcat on your forehead is the spirit of the Bobcat. This reminds you to do your best on the Cub Scout Trail.

YELLOW is from the sun. The marks under your eyes will help you see the light of the Cub Scout trail and they symbolize the bright spirit of Cub Scouting.

WHITE is for purity. He mark on your nose helps you know right from wrong as you go along the Cub Scout trail.

RED is for courage. The mark on your chin reminds you to always speak the truth.

GREEN stands for the spirit of nature. The marks on each cheek will guide you to live in harmony with the great outdoors.

He is definitely not a fan of face paint!

Michael had to recite the Boy Scout Pledge and The Law.

The parents also had to take a pledge to help out the Pack in the way they should go.

We didn't get any pictures of the flag retirement.

"The U.S. flag is more than just some brightly colored cloth... it is a symbol of our nation."

"Seven red stripes and six white strips; together represent the original 13 colonies that gained us liberty. The red stripes remind us of the lifeblood of brave men and women who were ready to die for this, their country."

"The white stripes remind us of purity and cleanliness of purpose, thought, word and deed. The blue is for truth and justice, like the eternal blue of the star-filled heavens."

"The stars represent the fifty sovereign states of our union. The American Creed states, "it is my duty to my country to love it, to respect its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies."

"The U.S. flag should be treated with respect when it's flying, and should be treated with respect when it's being retired."

"Therefore, we retire flags with dignity and respect when they become worn, torn, faded, or badly soiled. A flag ceases to be a flag when it is cut into pieces. We separate the 13 strips that represents the original 13 colonies, and the 50 stars to pay homage to the 50 states that together make up this great nation.

Den Two was given the honor to recite something about the states. Then they handed over their piece of flag to a Boy Scout and they in turn retired each of the pieces of flag to the flames of the campfire. There are only two organizations that the US Government gives permission to retire the American flag...the US military and the Boy Scouts of America.


Jan said…
Congratulations to Micheal. Bob and I were both active in scouting, that's how we met.

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