Beauty Berry Bush
Mark has the weekend off so that means either on the river or on the road. The weather was a little iffy for the water so we hit the road hard. Two of our favorite places in the world to go around here is either Tater Ridge to visit Herb and Pam or Wheat Ridge to checkout the Miller Brother's. Today was the day of detours. We would see a road and say...'what to give it a try?'...'of course!'
Our first turn took us to Unity Woods...A Place in Nature. I got out to get a brochure and the most lovely bush caught my eye. And that is when I made two new friends. And three four legged ones too.
And then there were the humming birds...
They were literally everywhere. I know if I lived here they would be the most well fed birds. That is all I would ever what to the humming birds. And I would have more pics of them then you can imagine.
Jeff and his wife, Cindy, found these acres just as someone was ready to sell it off in lots. The farmhouse had been gutted ready to be demolished. They added a barn and three very nice cabins. I can't wait to go back.
The hummingbirds came out from everywhere to eat. They says that they have already gone thru 5 twenty-five pound bags of sugar. The feeders have to be filled at least twice a day.
I am almost sure that is what they said.
If you count the blurs there are nine hummingbirds in the pic. All on these two feeders and there must have been 20 total on the porch at one time. I was so excited I could hardly take pics. CRAZY!!!
I swear that this well was screaming my name.
I know this thistle is a weed but it is so pretty. And the bee is an extra.
I always feel like I am imposing or invading the privacy of the Amish when I sneak to take pics. But this one was too pretty to miss.
We found an Arts and Crafts Fair at Miller Brother's. These blacksmith's were so interesting. I learned that the smell of coal burning is the tar burning off the coal. What is left is called coke. And it burns so hot it can melt metal ore.
a momma alpaca
and her baby...I wish I could have taken a video of them 'singing'...the baby has learned it from his momma. They are the only two he has ever heard that sing.
And of course when you go to Miller Brother's there is food from the bakery and the bulk store to be bought and eaten. We had a picnic in the parking lot. We have decided that when we go out there should always be a picnic basket with everything you would need except plates, knives, paper towels....stowed in the way back right beside my two buckets, gloves and shovel. You know, for just in case.
push bikes...the Amish version of bicycles/scooters hanging from the trusses.
We did our part again for the Amish School Fund with some grape pie that Mark chose.
Michael wanted to try the cherry pie...made with white cherries.
My favorite...pecan pie..pronounced PEE CAN
first tobacco barn of the season
The cock's comb in this front yard looked like bouquets of red velvet. And not a weed anywhere in the yard. I am so envious!
Tomorrow another day off...where will the road take us?
I am almost sure that is what they said.
Tomorrow another day off...where will the road take us?
Your story and pictures are fabulous.
We are thrilled that you put our story to words and pictures.
The name of the plant with the purple berries is called a Beauty Berry. (Be careful the nursery doesn’t try to sell you a Beauty Bush - also another great plant but they are not the same. Sorry I don’t know the Latin name but do a Google search to find it)) The purple berries will remain on the bush until about Christmas – at which time the birds will have eaten them all.
Whenever you need a secluded place to rest and relax, please come back to Unity Woods (
Your new friends on the adventure of life,
Cindy, Jeff, Sam, Beau and Cooper