Granny's Harvest Celebration 2010

The troops, Michael, Skyler and Lynlee, and I ventured to Loveland Elementary School to experience Granny's Gardens and all the other vendors that were particpationing in the Harvest Weekend.
Michael had some blueberry ice cream while Skyler tried the pumpkin ice cream. Two thumbs up from both the boys.

I wish I had this many sunflower heads. Hey Cassie and Ellis, do you want to share some of yours with me? Do you think you could pack some in your suitcase? How about four in your backpack?

There was special music set up in the flower beds all over the school property.

The kids really enjoyed the Whistle Stop Clayworks tent. It really is amazing that it takes (it seems) little effort to make a bowl.

This was just a ball of dry clay only a minutes before the picture was taken.

It seems that every classroom has a flower and vegetable bed. We checked them all out and I was shocked to see this okra growing.

I was impressed that we were allowed to cut a free bouquet of flowers from any of the beds. Lynlee wanted all pink flowers.

I think Skyler tried to get one of every flower in the gardens in his bouquet.

Michael opted not to cut flowers. Instead he sot out flowers for me to cut. All he could do was sneeze and remind me about getting stung by the bees.

Face painting while the boys played on the playground with their little soccer balls that they earned from kicking a goal.

There was some great cooking going on. The fresh ingredients were from the gardens on the school property. Michael tried the chocolate zucchini bread. He loved it!

There were chickens to pet. This one kept pecking at my shoes.

The playground was a place for jumping rope and a place for showing off your art skills.

A bee keeper from Loveland telling us about beeswax.

Another day, another free adventure thanks to the Great Outdoor Weekend.


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