Sun, Food, and Fish

This is usually where you could find Mark. Once he found some good fishing spots he would leave every morning with his fishing pole. Now he has the fever for his own kayak. He spent a few hours at a kayak factory in Picton....could be the first thing on his Christmas list this year.

If we couldn't be in Peeps boat, Robin and I would fish from the paddle boat. Not only did we fish , we could feel the burn because seems like you were always paddling to keep up with the wind...blowing us around in circles or into the weeds.
Peep had not given up his chair behind the steering wheel just yet. Dustin needed a few more hours of observation before Peep felt comfortable letting him take out the boat. The Bums (minus Molly) off for a hunt for jumbo perch.

While they fish, we bike down to The Cheese Factory for some ice cream. Michael wanted to try a chocolate milkshake this trip. Bryce said to try the Pralines and cream. Not that day, the truck had not delivered it yet. So I got a chocolate brownie fudge thing. Not bad at all. You can't go wrong with anything chocolate.
Vickie's Vegetables where you can make your own basket of heirloom tomatoes. No one was ever there to watch the were on your honor to leave the correct amount for your purchase. There were going to have a heirloom tasting the weekend we were leaving.

Next door to Vickie's is Pam's Jam. Be sure to click on the picture to read what is posted on the fridge. It made me laugh. And no, I did not taste any. I was afraid someone might have double dipped.
Robin just had to get in Dustin's fish shot. She was a little concerned that she had driven all that way and had not had any pike success. She is just borrowing some of the glory here. Dustin loves touching those slimy fish...can't you tell.
Dinner in town at Schooner's Fish and Chips. Really good. I text (phone calls were .65 a minute) Bryce to see what I should (haddock) and chips, extra tarter. We ordered iced tea thinking it would be sweet tea. Nope...lemon tea with no sugar and two ice cubes. Not at all what we expected. But the food was good and the place was fun. The owners were really nice but the waitress must have been having a rough year.
Ahhhhh, a campfire overlooking the bay. What could be better?


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