Blues and BBQ

We LOVE Findlay Market! That's all I can say. The atmosphere, the people, the parking challenge, the market experience, the interesting people, all the vivid colors, the characters, the music, the smell of burgers, the free samples, the special things that are planned.....Today was the 5th Annual Blue BBQ.I could have stayed all day. I love to listen to the Blues,watch how it transforms people into another place. And there were different places all over the place today! And the smell of that pork grilling....ahhhhh!I had to pull Mark away screaming and yelling...he had his little heart set on a pulled pork sandwich. I so wanted the grilled corn on the cob. But the line was too long for the three little yahoos(Michael, Skyler and Lynlee) to wait in. So we headed for the DoJo stand for our gelletto. It hit the spot and held us off until we could get home to lunch. We hit our favorite butcher/meat shop and got some good stuff for Canada...

black and blue burgers
kitchen sink burgers
a pork shoulder for BBQ...Montgomery Inn style
WHO DEY sausages
some regular and pepper bacon
some hot and spicy metts

If we don't catch too many fish in Canada we will be covered...I'm cooking and freezing food all week. The first night we are there we are going to a pig roast and closer to the end of the week we will have a fish fry. My Popaw and Momaw would be proud!


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