Weekend Snapshot

Another one of those fun fun filled quick WV Weekends. We jammed so much in...I had to come home to sleep and rest. I promise not to bore you with lots of pic and details...only some of the highlights, I promise.

We got out of the car, picked up my Dad and got back in the car to go to Chic-fil-A for Cow Appreciation Day. If you come dressed as a cow, you received afree combo meal. Can't pass that up. And Cassie this picture is for you and Ellis...here's Peep dressed as a cow. I know, I can't believe it either. Without knowing it, my Dad took all his stuff off and put it on our new friend. Little did we know that just that small little gesture would make this the best birthdays he has ever had.
Central City Farmer's Market bright and early Saturday morning. Great produce, lots of people and great prices. Hey Ellis, have your Mom email me her pickle recipe so I can have some pickles when you al come in October. We are going to have zucchini bread coming out our ears in a few days.

We had to check out the new boat that will be making its way to Canada in about a month. Bryce, looks like you should come if you can make it. PRETTY SWEET!

Robin and Kenny had the pool all cleaned out and looking good. Michael was in heaven. I think we need to see about getting something in ground in the backyard. He jumped. He dove. He looked for diving sticks. He played basketball with Uncle Kenny. He swam and swam and swam.

We got to play with just a few of Molly's critters. When my sister and I were little we had a guinea pig named Joker. I wish I could remember the names of these two. They were so sweet! There is a rabbit and some dogs. I think they are trying to compete with Noah.

Saturday, early evening, we went to a wedding. Now, I've been to a lot of weddings and I can honestly say that this was the most calm, laid back, no stress wedding I have even been to. Jay and Carrie are so perfect for each other is is awful. Without being too sappy...you could feel the love in the room. Some precious moments shared with all of us for sure. I would not have missed this wedding for all the chocolate ever made!
Four flower girls...each with barefoot. How awesome is that! They were priceless during the wedding too. But Jay and Carrie never knew what they were doing because I am sure that they never knew there was anyone else in the room.
We got to visit with friends from our home church...Mamaw and Papaw Roy. The girls grew up with their grandson, Michael Paul. Roy just had his hip replaced. Bobby and Joyce Mannon. I remember Bobby with the curliest head of hair ever. And Joyce hasn't changed one bit. Mark terriorized their son, Larry
Marion and Barney Davis. Marion made it possible for us to buy 'the big house up on the hill' and she made sure that we were in before Christmas.
Mildred (Mild Red) and Fred and Linda Cummings. I taught with Linda at St. John's Preschool. He even taught Emmy and Bryce, bless her heart!
Donna, mom of two boys that were in the youth group that Mark and I worked with. Two very sweet boys.

Sunday (and I could kick myself for not taking my camera, Leigh Ann I borrowed this one from your FB pic) we went to church to hear Jeremy Napier, Sarah Beth's oldest, youngest brother preach. Wow! Were we all blown away. Jeremy will be entering Dallas Theological Seminary in the fall. Friends and family and of course his church family were there to love on him and support him. We even got to go our to Mark and Kate's for lunch. But s oon after eating and visiting for a little while we were back on the road towards Cincinnati. A very eventful weekend for sure!


The Oakes said…
Wowsers.... you all were busy. favorite picture is the one of michael getting pushed in by Peep. I CAN NOT BELIEVE Peep dressed up for chicken. Did Michael go?
Jay said…
Carrie and I were so glad you made it to our wedding. :-) You're right though, we didn't notice everything else in the room. lol We looked at the guest list afterward, and kept encountering names of people we hadn't seen. We knew you were there, though! We love you.

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