Pickin' Blueberries

I've never picked blueberries. I really never likes blueberries. But there is just something about getting a bucket, finding a bush and picking' that makes you think, why don't I like these? They are delicious. I tried not to eat as I picked but I have to confess that I did try a few...just testing to see which ones to pick. Rouster's usually sells apples and apple cider but today it was all about blueberries.Michael wasn't to keen on the idea at first...go figure. But once we started picking and we were in the shade he soon changed his mind. This was nothing like picking strawberries. He was the official look out...finding the best berries on the bush.
We quickly made friends with a family picking right next to us. They seemed like pros. The next time I pick I will pick with the sun to my back...so I can actually see what I am picking. I never realized that the bushes would be so tall.

So here's our bucket. Michael wants a blueberry pie. I think blueberry muffins will be nice. And Emmy just wants hers in a baggie. I washed then and I put them in a big bowl on the kitchen counter. I can't go by them without grabbing a handful.

Next on the picking list...which should be in a few weeks will be blackberries. I am so excited!!!!


Jan said…
I'm with you, not a huge fan of blueberries. In muffins they're great, though. Now, blackberries are a whole other matter, I love them, period. Love your post and photos.
Chris said…
Those blueberries are really good for you, too! Chock full of antioxidants and other good things.
Unknown said…
Daniel wants to know if the blueberries have been sprayed with pesticides, in other words, are they organic?
Anonymous said…
please note that I am still single and did not ok these pictures for the blog! If you EVER want me to find a man pictures like these will not do!

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