Milford to Loveland (on a bike)

Mark had Friday off so we decided that we weren't going to sit around the house all day. While Michael was still in bed we did a few weeding chores in the yard and then we headed off to the Bike Trail. Lots of other people thought that would be a great idea too . We had to park in Old Milford and walk to the trail. As we were walking across the bridge I saw one of the biggest river turtles I have ever seen. At first glance I thought it was a log. I tried to get a shot but I as too far away even if zoomed in as close as I could. Before we hit the trail we had to get a pic of Michael's new 20 inch bike. We had to do just a little tweaking but he loves it.
How do you like those wheels Cassie? Oh, he wanted a purple bike like the one that he used in CO with hand brakes. He got a blue on with feet and one hand break.
First rest stop/water break on the first bridge. We saw lots of kayaks and turtles.
Okay for all those that say that I should include pics of me. Here you go. Let me just say that this is the first times my head has ever worn a bike helmet in all my double nickles of years. I can't insist Michael wear a one if I don't do the same. Lead by example.
Michael thought these statues were pretty cool.

Well, what are you to do after a long ride...stop at our new most favorite pizza place, The Works.

The Ballpark...sour kraut, hot dogs, mets, brats, pepperoni and cheese.
The Commish...sausage and pepperoni.
The BIG BLT salad.

As soon as we hit the parking lot for our trek home...I saw a lady eating a frozen banana...not just any banana...but a Monky Bar...frozen banana, peanut butter, chocolate then rolled in peanuts. Oh My Goodness. I think I could ride to Loveland every night for one of these babies!

A few weeks ago the SchoolHouse Restaurant caught fire. It is one of the first places we had dinner in Cincinnati a long time ago.
The menu is handwritten in beautiful second grade teacher handwriting on the big blackboard the stretches the length of the front wall and all the meals are served family style on a huge lazy-Susan.
The food is just good down home cooking and the people are really nice. There is a little cut thru the bushes to a path to The SchoolHouse. I just had to see how extensive the damage is. The kitchen is probably the worst. I'm counting the days until they are back in business.


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