CampOut in The Driveway

Last night was night three for the big summer CampOut. Every year we haul out the tents and the blowup mattresses (nothing but the best for our campers) and sleep out in the backyard. Night one Emmy and Michael in the huge tent in the yard. Night two, Emmy and Jan and Michel until her was just to hot around midnight. Night three Emmy, Michael, Luke and Jan in Sarah's little tent in the driveway.It was so hot that Luke brought a fan and we slept with the door wide open and no dew covering over the top. Mark left for work EARLY. I made a trip to the little girl's room around 5:30AM. Emmy left for work around 7AM and the boys slept until about 9AM.

Now to set up the ghetto hard shell kiddie pool and paint chipped new reading area. She's going to be a scorcher today...but I am ready in Emmy bathing suit top and shorts and water about ghetto!


Jan said…
We're still having "June Gloom", here, temps in 80's. You must be way hotter. Looks like you've found a great solution.
The Oakes said…
ellis wants to camp

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