Frontier Days Parade

Every year about his time we make our annual pilgrimage down to Old Milford for the Frontier Days Parade. It is always hot with lots of interesting people. Speaking of people, last night when Mark was coming home from work around 8PM powple had already sat out their chairs so they would have prime viewing spots. We always wait until about an hour before the parade and make our way to the Kroger parking lot, walk across the street in front of Rally's, cross the street and sit in front of the Barber Shop where Michael gets his hair cut. I took just a few shots to give you a flavor of the night.

The Town Crier always begins each parade with..."Let's hear it for America"

We all stand to show our respect with the flag passes by.

This year's Grand Marshall is a teacher at the Junior High...our teacher in space.

The only band represented...Sarah's Alma Mater.

An old Kroger wagon

the rescue wagon for tired little feet

Shriner's have a big representation but I liked the clown the best.

a stage coach

the chuck wagon

lots of cowgirls and cowboys

The Wild Wild West

the smallest marcher


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