From Preschool to HS Graduation

See that cute little boy in the blue sweatshirt on the back row...second from the right...that's our little Justin. I had to conference with his Mom as to what year he was in my class...I need a lot of help in the memory department.

Last night Michael and I went to Justin's Graduation Open House. We got to see lots of people we haven't seen in awhile and ate some great food. Michael, I know had at least two of everything. He got to play with all the kids and jump on the trampoline...he smelled like a sweaty, dirty, little boy. I am glad that he chose Mark to ride home with.

Justin being a goof with his two sisters, Hunter and Kaela.

And you just have to get a shot with the proud Mom and Dad, Sharone and Todd.

Check out this huge t-shirt quilt his grandmother made. Her finished product makes me want to beg her for some lessons. She made two quilt tops with equal amounts of t-shirts on each side and then put them together. Really nice!!!

Now Justin is off to spread his wings at OSU in the fall. We wish him all the best!


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