CO...Trip To The Library

We have no idea and there is no rhyme or reason for it...but Michael was insistent that we go to the library while we were visiting in CO. Somewhere in the whole thing I remember him telling Ellis or Alaire that he wanted to go to the library because he wanted to get a dragon. Not a dragon book but a stuffed dragon. Where that came from I have no idea. We went to the library one day and it was already closed. So the next day we were there...all 150 of us...well, maybe loud Michael just made it seem that way.

Alaire wants to read so bad...she loves books and pretends to read all the time. It is to cute and too funny. If Ellis works really hard at it I bet he will be able to start teaching her before long. I think Ellis would read until there were no more words. He is like a little sponge...question after can see the little wheels turning in that curly little headed boy.

This library is really nice. A super kids section with lots of activities to do. I think this might be one of Alaire's favorites. She was showing me how she practices her letters and numbers.

See I told you she wanted to read really bad. Ellis came to Cassie about a month ago and told her that he wanted to learn to read. So being the good Mom that she is and being the daughter of a teacher...she hit the library and found the most awesome book that teaches her how to teach Ellis how to read. Alaire is listening to all that they are doing and I bet she will be reading before she is three.

Ellis and Michael enjoying one of the toys in the children's area.

We ended up with a bag for of books for the kids and an arm load of gardening books for the adults, and a book on tape (Where The Red Fern of our all time favorite books)to listen in during our times in the car. I think I will insist that we got back to the library the next time we go to CO.


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