CO...Skate Park

Again early in the morning before the chicken were up...Ellis and Alaire come in to wake me up to tell me that I needed to get ready to go to the Skate Park. Okay, lets go. Mind you Michael and I have no idea what is in store for us. So we pack bikes, boys, water bottles, and Alaire in her tu-tu and tap shoes into the car.

Alaire's daily attire...priceless!

Alaire thinking that she is as big as the boys and that she can do whatever they can do...not so much.

Michael's first ride down the ramp. He loved it!

Ellis had to show us how to get down in the bowl. I wasn't so much worried about getting was the getting us all out that worried me. But we made it in and out without a scrape or anything.

And this is how you ride the bowl.

Just fixing a minor adjustment.
Two skateboarders showed up and that was all Michael needed to sit and watch. He kept wanting them to grind. They gave it a shot but I think might still need a little practice.

Skateboarder Want-To-Be's.


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