CO...Rattlesnake Trail

We had a little time before we needed to meet Andrea at the park so Cassie decided to take us to where we could see the mountain range and see a map so we could learn the names of some of the peaks. I learned the difference between the Great Plains the the mountain range. I couldn't take a hike and not take pictures of all the beautiful flowers. I will spare you the pictures of the Prairie dogs.

But first I need to explain that Cassie warned the kids that they needed to stay in the middle of the path, no going off in the weeds because it was prime rattlesnake territory. She had them so aware that everything, anytime anyone was slightly off center, Walk Police Michael would remind them to stay in the middle. Crack me up!

This looked like our version of a wild daisy.

These must be wild morning glories.

Something gone to seed...maybe a dandelion?

Alaire wanted to touch some cactus. And Cassie assured Michael that it was okay for her to take one step onto a rock to touch the cactus. He was so worried about her.

It is amazing to me that something so delicate can survive out in the dryness of this area.

We were standing on the top of this cliff when we were looking at the mountain range. Ellis just couldn't wrap his little mind around that fact.

I love old barns no matter where they are.

This creek was way up due to the melting snow in the mountains. If I remember right we had also had some rain. So it was way out of it's banks and moving very fast.

We had a pretty lengthy discussion about where all the water was coming from.

Ellis wanted to see a fish in that water so bad. In his little mind I know he saw one, I just know he did.

I love this shot! Cassie talked Alaire into wearing one of her thousand pairs of Crocs...I can't believe she did it.

As I have stated time and time again, Michael and Mark are our family readers of all that is printed whenever we go anywhere. Cassie seems to be holding down that family trait in her family.

Alaire's little feet and legs were just about ready to give out so Cassie and I took turns helping her along the trail. Wammy Ride Time!

Funny story about this shot...the are arm and arm in this shot...talking about uncle and nephew type buds and not an hour later Michael decided to deck Ellis in the back...for what reason...who can remember. Boys!

It was so hot but not humid like it is here. Ellis not only got a drink of water but stuck his head under the water for a little relief.


The Oakes said…
favorite one so far!

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