CO...Dirt Track and Red Center

We arrived at the Dirt Track I think just before 8AM! We had driven by on the way home from the airport but now it was time to get serious about this bike riding thing. We borrowed a bike and helmet from on of Cassie's friends for Michael. Each night after the kids were inside I would go to the garage and raise his seat a little bit so finally his was sitting right and looking good on the bike.

Now it was Ellis's turn to show Michael a thing or two. That boy can ride a bike. Has been riding a bike for half as many years as he is old. And there is a system to it all.

We were SHOCKED!!! to say the least that Michael was able to ride over all the hills...with no help. I thought for sure that it as going to be a battle and he was going to hate it. He loved it!!! The only down side was that we were at a higher altitude than we are used to and his allergies and asthma were also working against him. But he trudged on...

I think this is the pose that will be on his pro trading card when he gets involved in the bikers circuit.

Right after these great pictures were taken Ellis and Michael decided to have a race. Long story short...Michael was going so fast over the first hill that his bike flipped and he went down. After that he said that he was finished with bike riding FOREVER!!! (Cassie's blog has the shot just before he went down and you can see the fear in his face).

In the beginning there were three little not so happy about having his picture two that were ready to swim the day away.

There was one little girl that was so excited to show her Wammy everything about all the water in the Rec Center. (Best time for $3.00) She swims like a fish and jumps in like a pro. She splashes and laughs.

And at the end there was one tired little swimmer that was about ready to drop. And we still had to go to the store and have lunch.


The Oakes said…
no diving board shots?
Jan AKA Wammy said…
I figured that your video was way better than a pic!

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