CO...Getting There

Michael and I headed off to CO last Tuesday. We were surprised to see all these paper airplanes hanging at our gate. They were pretty cool!

We got to the gate a few hours early. I hate being late for anything....five minutes early is late in my book. So we had time to a little Mario Time was in order. I explained to Michael that we were just a little bit early. He was okay with that..."You know Mom, I get a little nervous when it is getting close, so early is good for me." (This is when you need Emmy in the background saying, "I love you Michael." That is what she always says when Michael says something deep like that.)

Michael was so excited to realize that there were TV's in the backs of each seat. I think he saw himself kicked back, eating snacks, watching 3 hours of undisturbed TV...not...his cheap Mom said no way was she going to spend $6 to watch TV when he had packed plenty of things to keep him busy. So busy he got. The lady next to us wanted to buy him TV but I graciously said no thank you. She tried to buy him snacks...again, no thank you. I am sure she thought I was a poop of a Mom. I told Michael that he might be able to earn the $6 for our return trip. So he got out his notebook can came up with a chore list. Pretty interesting to say the least. (He did actually earn some for his trip home...a grand total of 45 cents)

Cassie, Ellis and Alaire were waiting at the top of the stairs for us. And off we went to Chili's for a quick bite. Once we got home there were so many things to writing on the glass doors with special markers...

There was a little bit of Mario teaching. Ellis liked watching Michael play. And Michael liked playing...

And Alaire had to try on her new tap shoes and tu-tu from Auntie Em...a little dancing...

After all that work...a snack was in order...
Alaire little and mighty...

Then it was outside for a bike ride around the neighborhood...

That was our day and than we ended up with a slumber party in Ellis's room...what more could a Wammy ask for!


emmy said…
Tell Michael that I can think of a few chores for him if his prices are always like that!

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