CO...Estes Park

First you will need to know that it was probably the worst day to try to go to Estes Park....raining, misting, cold, damp, yuckie...but I wanted to see the elk and Alaire wanted to play in the snow with Michael. Trevor was off so he was the official driver. Cassie was the official car photographer because Michael needed to sit by an open window and a door that would open fast in case he got carsick. Because if he got sick I would too...I hate that! Even with meds he still had to take those deep breaths and had to stick his face out the window. Ellis as always, was the official question asker. Alaire was the official cuteness, as always. I am not sure what my official job was...I think it might have been the official lens taker offer and putter oner. And let me assure you that you have been spared hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of this day....simply because I could not get the slide show to work.

Since I was in no man's land for taking shots of everything we say this day Michael was the first one to take pictures of what we were seeing. He took these as about 45 too bad.

I wonder how many times during the time that they live in CO, will they have their pictures or take someone else's pictures at the spot? I know Cassie is not a big fan because right beside this sign is a drop off over the side of a very steep mountain. I was more worried about the kids and all the traffic on the road. What's a Mom to do?

Not to far into the Rocky Mountain National Park we were able to see some elk. They are so beautiful. And they are so used to cars stopping and taking pictures that it really is no big deal to them. They just keep right on eating. We had then close to the road, crossing the road behind us and teasing us right by the edge of the road. Everyone stops so when you see a gathering of cars you can almost be certain that the elk are grazing near. Some people even venture out of their cars and try to get close. Not us...we just hang out the windows like nuts.

This is just crazy. There had been some rain the past few days but with all the snow that the mountains got over the winter...this is a BIG problem. This is a result of those two factors. Usually this is a sleepy little creek with a little bit of water lazily making its way down the mountain. But not today or days before or days after.

Sorry but I just had to throw a few more elk in here. They are so magnificent. The velvet on the antlers of the young bucks. The fur being shed and just the entire scene is breathtaking. I have decided if I ever lived in CO I would be the most outside person on the planet. Green ALL the way and would try to learn every outdoor activity available. I really like it, a lot. No wonder the Oakes like where they have been planted.

Can't you just see another question forming in that little head?
This little oink chick was out. All that god mountain air did her in.
But now she is all smiles at her favorite place, El Senor's, for dinner. I think it might just give our favorite Mexican restaurant a run for it's money. Pappy will have to come with us on the next time and give us his input.


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