CO...Bear Lake

Also on that cold and rainy day we made our annual trip to Bear Lake. Little did we know that there would be a fog covering and we couldn't see across the lake. But first things first.
We had the Durango packed to the gills with everything we would need for the day. Cassie was off taking Alaire, the potty queen...she takes after her Auntie Em...has to check out every bathroom she Trevor and I began making lunch. We decided it would be best to eat inside the car. The troops loved it! Oh to be young again with not a worry in the world.

This was the first year that we have been able to walk around the entire lake. Last year we had a smaller, not so willing to walk around the lake, Michael and Alaire was only a few weeks old. But this time we walked and I took it all in. I wish I could have taken the time to sit down and just taken time to smell the mountains. It is so beautiful and so calming.

Another one of those photo opt places. Two years ago Alaire had her pic taken here when she was a little bundle under her Mom's jacket. She was only a few weeks old and it was really cold. This year she shines in all of her cowgirl boots from Auntie Em.

Ellis seems to be thinking that he just might be King of the Snow Mountain...Not...Cassie has a pic of Wammy as Queen!

Just as we were getting ready to leave the fog started to clear. I was just a little nervous with all those kids, big and small, standing on that wet slick rock. I couldn't take the shot fast enough.

Snowball Fight!!! In JUNE! At about 9,000 feet there was still some snow. Next time we go Michael has already requested that we go to the summit.


Jan said…
Jan, I've loved "traveling" with you.

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