A Bike Ride...

...but you would never know it. I didn't get one shot of Michael riding his bike. He was more interested in feeding the ducks and geese that just about anything else.

Here they come. We just acted like we were going to take a break and sit at the picnic table...and here they all came...every duck, goose...any waterfowl that was on the lake.

I figured why not see how tame they are...wonder if they would eat out of my hand? Sure enough this little mallard was all over the bread. I couldn't get Michael to do it at all. Big sissy!

This little gosling looks like it has wet carpet for feathers. They still are young enough to have down.

long neck goose

She thought about it for a long time and then decided it wasn't worth getting so close.

We saw this wading at the edge of the lake. I had to look it up to make sure...a Great Blue Heron.

The closer we got the faster he walked away.

I just aimed the camera a little in front of the flight path and got these shots. Pretty good I think.

Can you tell by the look on his face and the dark circles under his eyes what time of year it is? I feel so bad for him so I only pressuring outdoor time a few times during the day.

I have no idea what this bush is but I can be you that Mark will be able to tell me right off the top of his head when he gets home.

We had a fun afternoon but the next time Michael swears that he is going to bring lots more crackers because they all still seemed hungry.


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