The Badlands Trail Hike

Emmy got a new book about Hiking trails around our area...60 Hikes Within 60 Miles...

so we loaded up the family truckster and headed out on the open road to parts unknown. Actually it was know, we were headed for Miami Whitewater Forest.
The two youngest hikers...Michael and Grace. Grace spent the weekend with us. She is a hiker from way back...she hikes in flip flops. (Not any more, Emmy got her some hiking shoes and socks for our next adventure)

Plenty of interesting this to look at along the way. I think these are called oyster shell mushrooms. They were pure white and really stood out in all the dark green.

These mushrooms look like they have polka-dots on the tops.

I have seen lots of May Apple plants while hiking but never the fruit of the plant.

About half way thru I picked up a walking stick. Next thing I know Grace passes me like she was shot out of a cannon. She looks a little like Cassie at that age. Emmy french braided her hair...and she just thought she was the berries.

Then her little legs gave out. Emmy and I took turns giving her piggie-back rides.

After all the hiking we were soaked. Not a good idea to hike in 90+ weather with high humidity. But never fear Mark found a sprinkle park. On the way back home we stopped in Loveland at The Works, our newest favorite pizza place.


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