
Poor kid...we restorted to big bowls and things it was so hot.

Doodles loves sitting in the swing. Maybe she has a future as a lifeguard.

Allyson always likes helping Pappy cut the grass. And look at a young age she is deleloping that multitasking talent.

We have discovered Michael's duplos...don't tell him that they have girl germs on them.

This little tractor has been thru 8 kids already.

If you are wondering where Cater is in all of these shots...napping. I have learned that it is way easier to go outside when he is napping. Sometimes he naps in the swing in the shade and sometimes he sleeps in the house. He is a really good sleeper and will usually sleep anywhere you put him. No matter how much noise, he still sleeps.


The Oakes said…
Don't tell Michael but I think those girls are "maked"
Anonymous said…
that picture of Narni in the long tupperware thing it soooo funny. You are such a redneck you will not even get them a kiddie pool, you just fill up tupperware.

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