Water, Water...Everywhere!

Before I tell you this story...you must see what the rock wall looks like on a normal day. See that little bit of water just lazily flowing into the pipe under Bill and Kay's driveway?

This is a shot looking up the street. Water from the entire street comes down thru the yards every time it rains. But today it was crazy!

Our mailbox as an island.

Water converges from three directions to the bottom of Bill and Kay's driveway. It usually runs from the yard to the right of us...down the street and then cuts in behind our mailbox...then goes back the way it came to the pipe under the driveway, under the street into the big pipe to the open creek.

We were so worried that we got broom, mops, anything that we could move water with to get it away from the house and into the drain. We had to remove the mulch from the top of the drain, oh about a hundred times. All in pouring down rain, lightening and thunder...oh, I forgot the dime size hail.

There was a little concern about the fire pit...would it dry up in time for Sarah's campfire on Sunday night? (sorta it did, but we were still able to have a fire for s'mores.)

This is that big drain that all the water runs thru. And boy does it ever stink!
It was amazing how much water there was and how fast it came...hail and all.

A shot from Skyler's house looking down towards our house. I was so worried that their basement might flood. I haven't heard anything...no news is good news right?


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