Second Grade Recognition

Let me get this part out of the story first because by knowing my family it will get blown way out of proportion. This morning we sent Michael to school with cupcakes for his class. As soon as he left it was a race against time. Three little ones had to be fed. Three big ones were needing nourishment for the day. Two little ones needed new diapers and one needed a new diaper, new outfit and new blanket. One little one needed to be dressed. Not to mention two car seats had to be attached to the car. We are all running around her like chickens with our heads cut off.

We are doing great...right on time...actually about 15 minutes early because Mr Dunn, the principal, is running a little bit behind. As I am unbuckling the girls to put them in the stroller I notice that I had forgotten to change shoes. Oh well, no time to run back home to change. So I showed up with bright red grass stained and mud covered garden shoes. Emmy and Mark just thought it was so funny. I know I will never live it down. Oh well, at least I was there to document the monumential occasion. You know going from 2 to 3 grade is a big deal. Michael ended up sitting right next to me at the end of the front row. The girls and I were hugging the wall right by the door just in case we needed to make a quick exit. Mrs Hepburn found some suckers that saved the day about 5 minutes into the program. Emmy and Carter were at the end of the wall about 8 seats to our left. Mark took up space right in the center of the back row...right in the center of the isle. You should have seen Luke and Michael's faces when they realized we were all there. I think they were excited about it. Mr Dunn handed out all the achievement certificates.

Everyone recieved a certificate stating that they had worked hard and would be going on to third grade. Emmy said that two little boys sitting close to her were really relieved when their manes we called. They had their fingers crossed and everything. The program that was supposed to be 15 minutes turned into 45. But Carter slept thru the entire thing. Allyson was just chillin in the back of the stroller and Marli wanted so bad to sit with the boys. Congratulations boys, good job.


The Oakes said…
you didn't tell us what kind of award he got!

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