School Carnival

Highlights and thousghts from the school carnival.

Michael had his eye on this dunk take from the minute we got our of the car. He actually came really close to dunking the teacher.

His gym teacher was in charge of the "food fight" booth. Nice man! Michael was successful on his second try. And that was what it took to fuel his gaming fire.

The kids enjoyed the petting zoo. There were even two little goats...oh how I wanted to take them home...but Ms Renee said they would probably notice that they were gone.

Luke loved this pig. He loved all the animals.

I just knew were would be lucky if we played the cake walk. But no luck here.

Michael almost ran the bell at the top. Luke rang it on his first try. Each got a piece of bubble gum...don't tell the dentist.

I never thought I would see the day that Michael would get his face painted. But I guess he felt it would be okay since his teacher was the one doing the painting. She did some really good bones. Luke got some too. Catherine got a brown dog.

Oh joy some sand art. Peer pressure made me do it!

What is a carnival with out a snow cone and some cotton candy?

Resting on the bench ready to leave are the three amigos. Look at those cool face painted faces.

I just don't know what to say about this one. Michael jumped right up on the beam and began posing for a picture. The child that turns away from the camera...almost always. And that face...that psoe...Ms Renee and I had to laugh.

We had a full day for sure. Wouldn't trade it for all the tea in China. Everyone ended up with a big smile and an early bedtime...including me.


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