Mother's Day

Mother's Day Weekend continued this morning in bed by Michael's Morning Wake-Up Service...pancakes, sausage, OJ with a pink straw and an apple. After that delicious breakfast I propped myself up in the bed and watched a little TV and then read a little. And by then it was 8:30 AM. What's a Mom to do? Laundry, pick up , straighten up, take the dog out, run the vacuum cleaner, check out the morning blooms, check FB, send text messages, read through Google Reader....Bryce, Tini, Seau, Tobi and Parker came to celebrate with us...bringing ferns for the front porch. Bryce cut the lettuce for the salad.
Emmy cooked the steaks with grilled onions and made the Brussels sprouts along with the Mexican sweet potato fries. And somehow a cake ended up in the fridge. It was all delicious!Sarah came home from work just in time to eat and have a little bit of chit chat with the girls. Mark and Cassie both called to see what we were doing. Michael was keeping tabs on all the dogs.
I got chastised last time Bryce and Tini were here because they didn't make it on the blog. So I made sure to get a great shot of them in the new flower bed. They dogs did well, don't you think.
Each Mother's Day since I was pregnant with the girls, I have received a B&G Mother's Day Plate. Each year we all guess what animal it will be. Cassie was the closest with a prairie dogs. Bryce cheated...imagine that.


The Oakes said…
That picture of Emmy at the grill looks like your profile!

You really didn't even need to say that Bryce cheated. It would only be worth noting if he DIDN"T cheat!
emmy said…
I only look like mom because I am COMPLETELY over EVERYTHING!

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