Luke Simon Memorial Ride

A few months ago I was asked by a friend to consider making some t-shirt quilts for an auction to benefit a family at the Luke Simon Memorial Ride. Some dear sweet angels helped with the financing of this project. Like it takes a village to raise a takes many friends to make a quilt. People I don't even know donated financially and sent t-shirts from anywhere you can name. And because am such a thrifty, penny pincher, I am now one step ahead of the game for next year which will be the 10th ride.

Just so happened that the ride was planned for last Sunday. Sarah's graduation was also last Sunday. I don't like it very much when I want to be in two places at one time. So I had the next best thing.

During the graduation ceremony I got blow by blow texts for someone at the ride. Her reports were as follows....Pillow just got $100. (I asked that they try to take a picture of each person that won a quilt. Because 'Sam' took so many great pics I got to feel like I was there too.) I love this guy! I was so excited! Tears!

I think this was the first quilt that was auctioned off. I got a text that said it went for $250. Yea!!! And guess who got it...Pillow Man.

By now graduation is over and we are standing out in front of the Cintas Center at Xavier with thousands of other people looking for our graduate. I am on the phone with Kim and she is giving me a blow by blow account of the auction. I can hear people yelling. I can hear the auctioneer...Kim is telling me...$250, $325, $400, $550, $700, $750...I am blown away! I am relaying all this to anyone within hearing distance to me. I'm jumping up and down, crying, embarrassing my family to death. I don't care. By the time we get to the car Emmy and I have come up with a few more ideas for next years auction...bigger and better for sure.

Thank you to everyone involved with wild ride!


Jan said…
Jan, that is just outstanding.

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