An Emotional Day

The morning thousands of people are gathering in Charleston, WV to walk/run in honor of and in memory of cancer patients in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure. Several of those attending are walking in Honor and in memory of Sarah Beth Napier... Each year a special shirt is designed for the group to wear. The are always and awesome way for all of us to remember what it means to be a cancer patient. The last five years has definitely been a fight, so all those who love Sarah Beth. this year the scripture is so simple and so very fitting...

2Timothy 4:7

I have fought the good fight

I have finished the race

I have kept the faith
I know it will be an emotional day for all those there. I am praying that Sarah Beth Warriors can feel the prayers that are being said on their behalf. I have been getting texts from some of those walking...the weather is beautiful, lots of people and it is extra emotional this year. It will be a good day.

Sarah Beth's younger brother, Jason, has matured so much during Sarah Beth's fight. He is a very quiet boy. Keeps things to himself most of the time. Sarah Beth was a great big sister to him. If she thought some of his choices weren't the best for him, she would talk to him and explain why she believed he could make better choices. I have seen him sit by her bedside and talk to her very tenderly. And then in the next minute crack a joke that would make her smile. He was able to do things for her I never dreamed he could do. He has his own unique was of expressing his deep love for very special people in his life. He has his grandmother's initials tattooed on his right arm. And now he is in the process of getting a new tattoo right beside it.<>


Kathy said…
his tattoo is beautiful.
prayed for you all that saturday. i know sb smiled at all of you for carrying that torch that she finally got to lay down.

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