A Drive In The Country

Right after the school bus left and Doodles had breakfast, we loaded up the family truckster and headed east...towards Hillsboro. Doodles was looking fine. What a good traveler she is. Cracks me up! So we found the Lowe's in Hillsboro. Went in to check it out, bought a little something, something and headed for lunch. After lunch we headed home a different way that the one that we have just driven. Thank heavens for GPS. We saw lots of farms that were selling brown eggs. Lots of little farm nurseries and I can almost guarantee that at least once a week Mark will be home a treasure of some sort after work. So keep your fingers crossed that he gets the nod for this new job. We found this little farm that had a few small greenhouses. They flowers were beautiful and the company was just good old down home people. Loving it!

I know that you won't believe me when I tell you this but there is a zebra on one of the farms on Rt 50. I couldn't get to my camera fast enough for documentation. But next time I will get it for sure. A zebra! Can you believe it!


Jan said…
Good luck to Mark, I'll keep my fingers crossed. A zebra, really!

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